Why Early Hair & Makeup Sets the Stage for a Perfect Wedding Day

Hello Lovely Couples,

As you embark on the exciting journey of planning your wedding day, there's one piece of advice we at Feather & Finch Photography believe is invaluable: the importance of completing your hair and makeup early. This isn't just a small detail; it's a game-changer for creating a relaxed, enjoyable, and beautifully captured start to your special day.

Why Early Completion Matters

Imagine this: It's your wedding day, and the atmosphere is filled with excitement and anticipation. As the clock ticks closer to the ceremony, stress levels shouldn't be rising because hair and makeup are running behind schedule. Instead, picture yourself fully ready, sipping a glass of champagne, laughing with your bridal party, and taking in those precious pre-ceremony moments.

Here's why we recommend having hair and makeup done by 1:30 PM for a 3 PM ceremony (At the latest)

  1. Unrushed Creative Portraits: Your photographers and videographers are artists excited to capture the essence of your day. When hair and makeup finish early, it allows ample time for those heartfelt, relaxed portraits that truly reflect your joy and beauty. It ensures that your creative team isn't just waiting around but actively crafting the visual story of your day.

  2. A Moment to Breathe: Your wedding day will zoom by in a blink. Having a buffer between getting ready and the ceremony means you can pause, breathe, and truly be present. It's a time to share a laugh, a tear, or a quiet moment with your loved ones before the whirlwind of 'I dos'.

  3. Smooth Sailing for Ceremonies: Delays in preparation can cascade into the ceremony and reception. Ensuring an early completion of hair and makeup sets a relaxed pace for the day, avoiding the rush and stress of running late.

Tips for Timely Preparation:

  • Communicate with Your Stylists: When booking your hair and makeup artists, discuss the importance of an early finish. Make sure they're aware of your photography schedule and the time you need to be ready.

  • Trial Runs Help: A trial session before the wedding helps estimate how long your look will take on the day. It also ensures you're happy with the style, reducing any last-minute changes that can cause delays.

  • Factor in Buffer Time: Always add extra buffer time to your schedule. If you think it'll take an hour, schedule an hour and a half. Unexpected things happen, and having that cushion can keep a calm atmosphere.

Your Day, Your Way

Remember, this is your day. While schedules and timelines are important, what truly matters is that you feel beautiful, relaxed, and ready to step into the next chapter of your life. Early completion of hair and makeup is a simple yet powerful way to ensure your day starts as wonderfully as it ends.

Wishing you all the love and joy in your planning journey, The Feather & Finch Photography Team.

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