Feather and Finch Photography

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The Camera Strap That Saved My Back

Hold Fast

There’s a lot of jobs out there that can take a huge toll on our bodies leaving work a complete drain due to becoming physically and mentally fatigued trying to fight that ongoing battle of pursing our dreams and listening to your body at the same time. There came a time where I had question my ability to continue working within my passion of photography, I could spend days in bed recovering from one wedding and the idea of knowing how much pain my back would be in after another became more daunting by the minute. 

Fortunately for me that all turned around with the purchase of the best investment I have made to date, my Hold Fast Money Maker camera strap. This bad boy literally saved my back (pun intended) and my photography career continued to blossom and grow because of it – I am forever grateful! Stylish, comfortable and made with quality at its forefront, I honestly could not image my life without it – I sure wouldn’t be able to capture all the incredible weddings I do now!